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North American Roofing Wins Firestone Master Contractor Award, 3rd Year Running

Asheville, NC – February 4, 2013 – For the third year in a row, North American Roofing has again been honored with the prestigious Firestone Building Product’s Master Contractor Award. Only 100 contractors qualified and received this recognition in 2013.

Each year since 1988 the Firestone Master Contractor award is bestowed upon commercial roofing contractors who meet a high standard of quality workmanship and performance, and show a commitment to installation of the Firestone Red Shield warranted roofing system. Only the top 100 roofing contractors from the U.S., Canada and Mexico who completed the most inspected and warranted Red Shield systems earned this award.

North American Roofing has a long established relationship with Firestone, dating back to 1979 when Carl Verble founded the company, partnering with Firestone Tire and Rubber.

“The stellar success of North American Roofing growing to become the 3rd largest commercial and industrial roofing company in the U.S. – and one of the most trusted and reputable names in the industry – is in large part from the mutual partnership with Firestone, a company also known for these same attributes,” CEO Brian Verble said. “When your team is the best, your customers can expect the best.”

North American Roofing and the other Master Contractors will be feted at a special awards ceremony to be held at the world famous Fountainebleau Miami Beach, February 17-20, 2013.

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North American Roofing Wins Firestone Master Contractor Award, 3rd Year Running

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