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Executive Insight From Brian Verble

Executive Insight – How Our S.T.A.R. Values Will Shape the Future of North American Roofing

It has been a few weeks since we held our fiscal launch event at HQ3 in our new Tampa digs and I have had some time to reflect on that event.

Seeing all the new faces as well as the many who have been with us for so many years, felt both nostalgic as well exciting. The days we spent together were brimming with new ideas, perspective and enthusiasm for our future!

My grandfather, Carl Verble founded this company with great success because he brought together great people, treated them well and instilled in them a sense of pride. My father Mike and his brother Pat were pioneers in this industry who carried on my grandfather’s legacy. My dad continued to build and do things “unconventionally” as an installer and private label manufacturer for many years. Through that unconventional approach, our unique selling position was established in the market to great success.

Today, we continue our unique national position in the industry that is both innovative and progressive, yet conservative in design to deliver consistency and excellence in performance nationwide. By partnering with all major roofing manufacturers as one of the largest commercial roofing companies in the U.S., we are able to come through for every single one of our valued customers as well as the new customers we have yet to meet.

As we continue to grow and expand, we do so in the same spirit and mission set forth by Carl Verble, arm in arm with great people. We are a diverse bunch at North American Roofing, and always try to hire people with great character from outside of our industry. This diversity is one of our greatest strengths. I love how our varied backgrounds give us fresh perspectives in an industry that sometimes gets “set in its ways.”

Anyone, with proper training and enough experience can install or repair a roof to spec, but how many can say they found a way to deliver an amazing experience to their customer in a way that makes them a partner? A partner whom the customer seeks out for their expertise no matter where their property is located or how difficult the job?

From start to finish, it is the seamless, transparent communication that says “We care.” Each and every time. Every team member knows their role, and how what their actions affects someone else on their team or even in a different department. It is this workflow and respect for others within the process that solidifies the bonds we share among each other as well as our valued customers.

Service. Teamwork. Accountability. Respect. Our S.T.A.R. values. Our team members are not simply “employees.” They are our owners. All of us, together, continue to be pioneers in this industry…. The Most Trusted. The Most Respected.

Thank you to all my predecessors that have taught me so much, and to the hardworking employee/owners that continue to teach me today.

Posted on by North American Roofing
Executive Insight – How Our S.T.A.R. Values Will Shape the Future of North American Roofing

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