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Licensed Commercial Roofing Service Texas Leak & Repair Post Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey: Last Minute Tips for Businesses & Facilities

Hurricane Harvey is now a Category 4 storm and set to cause a lot of devastation throughout Texas and Louisiana. Building owners, building managers, and facility maintenance professionals across the region are shoring up their plans and ensuring things go as smoothly as possible. Even the most prepared among us can still sometimes forget a key piece of information or procedure. As a helpful reminder, here are some basic things commercial building owners and managers can do to make life after the storm easier:

  • Know and follow emergency alerts from local/federal officials
  • Gather and share all necessary insurance and emergency contact info.
  • Ensure co-workers know who to contact after the storm passes.
  • Stay off the roads. Flooded roads can be very deceiving. What looks shallow can sometimes be anything but.
  • Once the roads to your business or building are deemed safe, take extreme precautions when going inside any commercial building.

To all of our friends, neighbors, and fellow citizens who are in the path of this storm, please know that the thoughts and prayers of everyone in the North American Roofing family are with you and your loved ones. We wish nothing but health and safety for you all.

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Hurricane Harvey: Last Minute Tips for Businesses & Facilities

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