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North American Roofing Receives Membership in Johns Manville Pinnacle Council

We’re exceedingly proud to share the good news that once again, we’ve been honored by Johns Manville with their highest recognition – membership in the elite and exclusive JM Pinnacle Council.

The Johns Manville Pinnacle Council award is the highest achievement in JM’s Peak Advantage Contractor Program. Fewer than two dozen roofing companies in the United States, and fewer than 30 worldwide, qualify for the coveted honor. The criteria for inclusion in JM’s Pinnacle Council are stringent. A roofing company must have a virtually flawless track record of installing Johns Manville roofing systems, must demonstrate financial stability and must have outstanding customer service. North American Roofing has always worked extremely hard to excel in all these areas.

We thank Johns Manville for their trust and confidence in North American Roofing, and we thank our incredible employees (and now, owners!) for their continued dedication to making us the most trusted and respected roofing company in the U.S.

In addition to Johns Manville products, we install all major roofing manufacturers’ products and we offer consulting services, repairs and our popular RoofGuard maintenance program. Call us today at 800-551-5602 to find out more about our solutions to your roofing needs.

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North American Roofing Receives Membership in Johns Manville Pinnacle Council

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