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NARSI Recognized for Carlisle Excellence in Single-Ply

We’re always pleased when someone tells us we’re doing a great job — so we’re proud to announce the receipt of the 2012 Carlisle Excellence in Single-Ply (ESP) roofing award.

Carlisle SynTec Systems manufactures a variety of roofing solutions, including EPDM, TPO and PVC. Each year, the company recognizes fewer than 5% of the nation’s top roofing companies. In order to qualify for the prestigious ESP award, roofing companies must demonstrate an impeccable installation and customer service record.

Nick Shears, Carlisle’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing, informed us that North American Roofing has earned “Perfect 10” scores on the successful installation of 225 major roofing projects. That’s over 33 million square feet of Carlisle single-ply roofing!

Shears said, “It is obvious that your company is committed to installing Carlisle’s roof systems with the utmost care. It is this unyielding dedication to quality, coupled with the sheer volume of your installations, that has allowed North American Roofing to receive the ESP distinction.”

We’re proud of our track record and we’re proud of everyone at North American Roofing who made this award possible. From our supervisors to our highly skilled roofing installers, we are all dedicated to making sure our customers get the best roofing solutions for their investment.

We’d like to thank Carlisle for their trust and confidence in North American Roofing, and we’d like to assure both Carlisle and our customers that we’re going to keep working hard to earn your respect.

Posted on by North American Roofing
NARSI Recognized for Carlisle Excellence in Single-Ply

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