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Executive Insight – Proven Resources for Roofing Consultants

Making the Job Easier is all about Service for Roofing Consultants


This past weekend, we exhibited at the 2016 RCI International Convention and Trade Show and it got me to thinking about how well we work with roofing consultants.

Roofing consultants are responsible for providing a variety of services to their clients including unbiased roofing design, legal advice, and general roof management services.  Often times they are charged with the duty of playing mediator between business owner and roofing contractor.  Their job is never an easy one.  On one hand they need to offer the best roofing solution for their customer – saving them time, money and future headaches.  On the other hand, they need to safeguard that the contractor they hire is qualified to complete the project.  They have to make sure they hire a company that  has the experience, knowledge base, and quality assurance to complete the job on time and to the customer’s specific expectations.  And communication has to be often and thorough.

When it comes to working with roofing consultants, it is all about the service you can provide.  At North American Roofing, our approach to working alongside a roofing consultant comes down to simply asking “How can we help you today?”  Roofing consultants can be stretched pretty thin with all the things they have to manage.  Our job as the roofing contractor is to make their job easier.

We start with having dedicated technical staff that are knowledgeable about everything roofing.  Our teams and roofing crews are continuously trained on roofing membranes, attachment techniques, and installation best practices for details, curbs and flashings.  By maintaining and continuously educating our teams, we can provide consultants with assurance  that they have hired a contractor that knows what they are doing and can do it well.  Additionally, they are trained on safety precautions and procedures.  Each job is audited for safety adherence and we self-inspect the workmanship quality with our dedicated Quality Department.  We maintain certifications and accolades from every major roofing manufacturer.  For a consultant, this means that no matter what type of system they design, North American Roofing can install it to the manufacturer’s standards as well as our own stringent expectations.

Above everything else though, it is our level of customer service that has helped us the most when working with roofing consultants.  With the industry’s only dedicated Customer Action Center, we pride ourselves on keeping the lines of communication open.  Daily and weekly status reports help consultants keep their customer informed on the progress of their new roofing system.  This level of open dialogue also helps in quickly tackling unexpected issues that may arise – keeping the project on time and on budget.

Overall, it has been our ability to provide the roofing consultant with a piece of mind that makes us successful at these projects.  Our culture of service is never more evident in these relationships and our ultimate goal, like with any project, is to provide the best possible roofing experience possible. So the only thing left to ask is “How can we help you today?”  Let us know what your challenge is and let’s work together to find a solution.  We look forward to hearing from you.

–  Brian Verble, CEO

Posted on by North American Roofing
Executive Insight – Proven Resources for Roofing Consultants

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