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Roof Inspections

Roof Inspections

The Benefits of a Roof Preventative Maintenance Program

A quality roof is an investment in your business. Like other elements of your facility, your roof is a fixed asset, but many building owners don’t think about the condition of their roofs – until they leak. Unless you’re in the swimming pool business, water inside your building usually spells trouble. By the time a leak makes its presence known, your building’s structure, equipment and inventory can already be damaged. Protect your investment with roof inspections and a preventative maintenance program.

Some building owners periodically send their maintenance crews to the roof to look around for obvious signs of damage. While that’s a good way to spot things like a downed tree or obvious acts of vandalism, other potential roof problems can easily escape the untrained eye.

That’s why we offer the RoofGuard Preventative Maintenance Program. Not only are regular inspections necessary for keeping a new roof warranty intact, our specialists have the equipment and the training to spot small problems before they can turn into full-blown roof failure.

Benefits of Enrolling in Our Roof Maintenance Program:

  • Pre-scheduled annual or bi-annual inspections. We’ll remember, even if you don’t.
  • We’ll send you an email before each scheduled inspection, and we’ll provide you with full documentation of the inspection, including photos, as soon as we’re done.
  • We’re OSHA compliant. Our inspectors won’t create safety hazards for your customers or employees.
  • We’re non-obtrusive. We won’t interrupt your day-to-day operations.
  • We use state-of-the-art equipment to pinpoint trouble areas that are not visible to the eye.
  • We can locate impact damage, such as that caused by hail, even when there are no visible punctures.
  • We know roofs. Nothing escapes the trained eyes of our inspectors.

The condition of your roof is too important to trust to untrained inspectors. By finding and correcting minor roof problems promptly, you’ll save money on roof repairs and your roof will last longer.

A small, barely visible leak in the roof can have devastating effects on a building’s structure. If a leak goes unnoticed, it can result in:

  • Saturated insulation
  • Mold growth
  • Rotted wood
  • Corroded steel
  • Damage to interior finish
  • Reduced R-value and higher operating costs
  • Premature roof failure
  • Costly and extensive repairs

It doesn’t pay to second-guess the condition of your roof. Regular inspections by trained specialists are the best way to maintain the health of your building’s roof for years to come.

Contact us for more information about the benefits and cost-savings of our RoofGuard Preventative Maintenance Program.

 Call Us Today at 866-567-2064

Posted on by North American Roofing
Roof Inspections

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