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Roof Analysis – Should You Recover The Roof – Or Replace It?

There’s no two ways about it – your roof is a major investment in the condition of your building. You can greatly extend the life of your roof through regular roof analysis and professional maintenance, but at some point, repairs won’t be enough. When that time arrives, many facility owners opt for roof replacement, but depending on the condition of the existing system, your roof might be a candidate for recovering.

Recovering the roof can extend its useful life and can save you money right now, but it isn’t feasible for every aged roof. Only a knowledgeable roofing specialist can determine whether recovering is a viable option. At North American Roofing, we’re dedicated to helping our clients get top value for their roofing dollar. During an initial inspection, our specialist will examine all aspects of the roof system.

Deciding Factors

Careful, detailed analysis of the existing roof is the first step in deciding whether to recover the roof or replace it. A knowledgeable roofing professional will note the following factors:

  • The roof’s estimated remaining service life
  • Incidence and extent of leaks
  • Moisture infiltration of the insulation layer
  • Pliability and condition of membrane
  • Bituminous membrane slippage
  • Structural integrity of roof decking

In addition to factors relating to damage, the roofing specialist will take into consideration the type of the existing roof system, your geographical region and your long-term plans for the facility. Because no two buildings and their roofs are identical, the decision to replace the entire roof or to recover it is made on a case-by-case basis.

Recovering Pros and Cons

Recovering is less expensive than replacement. There is no labor tear-off charge. The rising costs of transporting roof waste to landfills and the fees to dispose of it also make recovering an attractive option – if your roof meets the qualifications.

A downside to recovering is the risk of trapping water and moisture beneath the new roof, which can continue to deteriorate the insulation and the roof decking. Trapped moisture is also a factor in mold growth, which can lead to costly mold remediation. Unfortunately, some roofs are just too far gone to recover.

Replacement Pros and Cons

Roof replacement will cost more and the project will take longer to complete, but when it’s all said and done, you’ll have a new roof that could last years past its warranty with proper care. If the current roof system is not suitable to serve as a substrate for recovering, if the roof deck is badly damaged, or if building codes require complete tear-off, a new roof is the best solution. If recovering the roof won’t provide adequate wind uplift resistance or meet fire code regulations, a knowledgeable roofing specialist will suggest a new roof.

Because so many factors are involved, making the right decision can be confusing. If you’re concerned about the condition of your roof and you want to know your options, give us a call. At North American Roofing, our highly trained specialists are dedicated to helping you make the best decision for you and your roof. We offer both recovering and replacement services, and we work with every major roofing manufacturer in the United States. We’ll help you make an educated roofing decision that saves you money and protects your facility.

Call us anytime at 1-800-551-5602 and ask to speak with a roofing specialist!

Posted on by North American Roofing
Roof Analysis – Should You Recover The Roof – Or Replace It?

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