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An Update from our Roofing Warrior

Hey again, sorry I haven’t been able to write sooner – we’ve been training a lot.

Right now we’re stationed in Kandahar, Afghanistan but will be moving to our Forward Operating Base in less than two weeks.

When we first landed in Afghanistan, while we were still sitting on the airplane (a C-17; Dwight was interested in knowing what kind…LOL), a rocket attack hit the building we were about to get off the plane and walk into. The next day a soldier from the unit I’ll be replacing was killed in a firefight. So, needless to say, the reality of war has really sunk in with me now.

I miss you all very much. Everyone in my company is very appreciative of the laptop computers from North American Roofing. I hope all is well back home and I will write more as soon as I can…

– Tommy

North American Roofing would like to thank our Roofing Warrior, and all the brave men and women who fight to keep our country free.

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An Update from our Roofing Warrior

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