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Executive Insight – Better Roof Designs

Being committed to continuous education and training helps us develop better roof designs.


This past month, the National Roofing Contractor’s Association (NRCA) issued an industry update regarding polyisocyanurate R-values and their new recommendations in determining thermal resistance values for in-service insulation on roofing systems.  So what does this have to do with designing a better roof system you ask? In a nutshell, the top industry association is establishing revised guidelines on how to specify the amount of insulation in a roof system design.  But let me explain further.

Since the beginning of 2003, polyiso manufacturers have transitioned from traditional R-value methodology to the long-term thermal resistance (LTTR) technique of reporting thermal performance.  However through studies conducted by the  NRCA over many years, as well as other reputable organizations, the established LTTR values for uninstalled polyiso were found to be less than traditional R-value testing values.  The current generation of polyiso manufacturing methods result in lower R-values at colder temperatures than previous generations.  The NRCA concluded that while LTTR values may be appropriate for research comparison or procurement purposes, it did not consider these values to be appropriate for roof system design purposes.   With these findings, they have revised their recommendations and are suggesting designers use an in-service R-value for roof system design of 5.0 per inch thickness in all climate conditions.  Overall, the NRCA recommends that roofing system designers specify polyiso insulation by its desired thickness and not LTTR or R-value to avoid confusion.

As a nationwide, knowledge-driven roofing company, it takes knowing what the NRCA and other industry standards are doing in order to be able to provide our customers with better roofing systems. This new NRCA update for polyiso insulation means that we will review each project based on the most current standards and requirements and provide the best and most practical solution. Our in house technical department does just that and reviews each project in detail, looking for scopes and options that meet all building codes, wind uplift requirements, and manufacturer requirements as well as insulation choices for our customers. If a roofing contractor is not up to speed on the every changing standards and numerous available options and is not thorough in its analysis, ultimately they may provide an inferior scope of work, or perhaps short change the building owner.

It’s our commitment to continuous education and training  that helps to drive the most effective roof system solutions.  Our technical services department is constantly learning new installation techniques or new material benefits.  We keep up to date with standards and industry regulations.  And we monitor industry trends and best practices.

Take a look at any of our proposals. We put a lot of research and effort into building a thorough scope of work.  We do our homework.  We look at every option and determine the best scope for your job.  And, when it makes sense, we give alternative options that provide additional benefits, longer warranties or better coverage.  We go the extra mile so that we can design a better roof.

-Brian Verble, CEO

Posted on by North American Roofing
Executive Insight – Better Roof Designs

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