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Escape Winter Roof Woes with Fall Maintenance Measures

Fall is the perfect time to prepare your facility roof for the coming cold. In many regions of the U.S., winter brings frigid temperatures, icy winds and heavy snow loads, all of which stress building roof systems. During repeated cycles of snow and ice melt, water can seep into tiny roof cracks and refreeze, expanding the cracks and increasing the risk of leaks and roof damage. The best way to protect against winter’s wrath is to make sure your roof is in good shape before the snow flies.

Fall Roof Inspections

During a fall maintenance inspection, a roofing expert will assess the overall condition of the roof and look for specific issues. Depending on the type of roof system, the inspector will be looking for shifted or missing ballast, debris buildup, coating deterioration, loss of membrane integrity, blistering, shrinkage, voids, punctures and seam gaps. Staining on the roof could indicate ponding water, which increases the risk of leaks and roof failure. The inspector should pay close attention to copings and perimeter edges. Careful inspection of sealant and flashings around all rooftop HVAC units and other penetrations such as skylights is essential. A good inspector will also note surrounding elements, such as large tree limbs that could break and damage the roof during blustery winter winds.

Pre-Winter Maintenance

Winterizing includes cleaning and removing debris from the roof and making sure drains, scuppers, gutters and downspouts are clear. In addition to sealing any punctures, blisters, cracks and seam gaps found during the inspection, a professional roofing maintenance team will secure or replace loose flashings around parapets, penetrations and roof-wall tie-ins. Additional repairs might be required depending on roof design and the potential for severe winter storms, ice buildup and heavy snow loads.

Roof Coatings

Fall is the perfect time to apply protective roof coating. The rubber-like properties of elastomeric roof coatings seal and protect aging roofs. One of the best features of elastomeric roof coatings is the ability to apply them over many different types of roofs, including modified bitumen, metal, single-ply membrane and built-up roofing (BUR) systems. The application of high-quality elastomeric roof coating this fall will protect your facility through the winter and could extend the life of your roof by 10 years, or more.

Put Your Roof in Good Hands

North American Roofing offers a full range of professional roofing services, including fall inspections and pre-winter maintenance. Most facility managers are adept at recognizing standard roof problems, but it takes a knowledgeable roofing expert to identify potential problems before they’re visible to the naked eye. We’re not weathermen, we can’t predict whether the upcoming winter will be mild or harsh, but we can prepare your roof for anything Mother Nature sends your way.

Call us today at (800) 551-5602 to schedule a comprehensive fall maintenance inspection and find out how to protect your roof from winter’s wrath.

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Escape Winter Roof Woes with Fall Maintenance Measures

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