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Fall Maintenance Best Practices/Schedule


While there’s still lots of terrific fall weather ahead for tailgate parties and cookouts, the days are already getting shorter, and it’s time to start thinking about seasonal roof maintenance. Today’s advanced roofing systems are durable, sustainable and energy efficient but neglecting fall maintenance can lead to premature failure and high replacement costs. Fall is the perfect time for a semiannual roof checkup to ensure that your roof is in the best possible shape before winter arrives.

Fall Roof Survey

Roofs are high on the “damage chain.” For the best protection and maximum roof life, the commercial roofing industry recommends semiannual inspections and maintenance. Additional inspections are necessary after substantial weather events.

The purpose of a comprehensive fall roof survey is to identify existing roof issues and repair them prior to the arrival of severe winter weather. Because small problems aren’t always apparent to the untrained eye – a knowledgeable roofing professional must perform the fall survey.

The typical fall survey includes a visual check of the interior ceiling and walls for water staining, followed by a careful rooftop examination of cap and base flashings, edge metal, roof adhesives and penetrations. The field of the roof is examined and ballast or roof coatings (if applicable) are inspected for integrity. The inspector is looking for loose flashing, missing fasteners, displaced or deformed metal, corrosion, seam integrity, secure terminations and signs of deteriorating sealants. Penetrations are carefully inspected to ensure that they will withstand freezing rain, snow and ice formation without leaking.


In addition to repairing any problems discovered during the inspection, the professional roofing team will clear the roof of debris and make sure that the drainage system is free from clogs and that it is functioning correctly.

Safeguard Checklist for Managers

Facility managers are the first line of defense in roof protection. While a knowledgeable roofing professional should inspect the roof twice a year, implementing a year-round roof policy will go a long way toward keeping a healthy roof.

  • Train the maintenance crew in precautions and care of single-ply systems.
  • Restrict roof access to only trained personnel.
  • Limit new rooftop penetrations.

Simplifying Roof Maintenance with a Preventative Plan

At North American Roofing, our goal is to ensure that our customers get the most value for their roofing dollars. Because regular maintenance is so important to the life of your roof, we’ve developed the RoofGuard program. We’ll keep track of when it’s time for an inspection, we’ll simplify scheduling and we’ll provide you with detailed reports and recommendations for your roof.

A professional maintenance plan is a wise investment for a new roof, but even if your roof is nearing the end of its warranty period, continued semiannual maintenance can prolong its useful life by 10 years or more. Age, condition, size, environmental influence and roof type are all factors in the development of a comprehensive plan.

Give North American Roofing a call today at (800) 551-5602 to schedule your roof evaluation and fall maintenance.

Posted on by North American Roofing
Fall Maintenance Best Practices/Schedule

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