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Hurricane Prep Matthew Florida 2

Jobsite Safety is Priority #1

The safety of our our client’s employees and every member of our crews is always our top priority. Period.

One example of our commitment to jobsite and client safety occurred before Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Our crew was working on a 165,000 square foot roof for a food processing facility in Florida, when the threat from Hurricane Matthew became all too real. Our crew not only worked efficiently to safely secure materials, they also helped secure anything else that could pose a danger to our client’s employees; all in record time.

After the storm passed, our client reached out to us and was happy to report that our crew’s hard work paid off! Even more remarkable was the fact that everything they secured remained intact and ready to install. The 60-mil TPO roof also earned top inspection marks from the supplier.

Be rest assured that our focus on personnel and jobsite is even greater this active hurricane season.

Posted on by North American Roofing
Jobsite Safety is Priority #1

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