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NARSI receives highest recognition from Johns Manville

North American Roofing was recently awarded with the 2011 Johns Manville Pinnacle Council Award. North American is one of only 21 roofing contractors nationwide to be named to the Johns Manville Roofing Systems Group Pinnacle Council. This group of elite contractors has met JM’s highest standards for quality roof installation and long-term roofing system performance.

“We are delighted to award North American with our most prestigious accolade” JM’s Ken Mc Glauchlen said as he presented the award to Brian Verble CEO and his team at the corporate office in Asheville last week. “Brian’s hard working, dedicated and loyal team continue to push the boundaries of excellence from within the industry and we look forward seeing North American continued success as one of the nation’s leading contractor.”

“Receiving this award is testament to all the hard work and dedication put in of the whole North American team over the years” Verble said “We have made great strides recent months and with the development of the North American strategic management team we are excited at taking on all the challenges ahead and further building on our successful relationship with John Mansville.

Johns Manville, a Berkshire Hathaway company, is a leading manufacturer and marketer of premium-quality building insulation, commercial roofing, roof insulation, and specialty products for commercial, industrial and residential applications. The Pinnacle Council is part of JM’s new Peak Advantage Contractor Program that has been created to recognize and reward the company’s most qualified roofing contractors. Pinnacle Council participants are selected from the Peak Advantage membership based on a proven track record for quality installations and their commitment to serving the needs of building owners. These contractors also have an in-depth knowledge of and dedication to JM’s roofing systems.. In addition to recognition, enhanced benefits and rewards, members of the Pinnacle Council serve as an advisory group to the JM Roofing Systems Group.

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NARSI receives highest recognition from Johns Manville

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