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Stand Down Postcard

Know Safety, No Falls – Stand Down for Safety to Prevent Falls in Construction

An Open Letter From Our Safety Director

It is with great excitement that North American Roofing Services, Inc. joins OSHA in promoting the National Safety Stand-Down to prevent falls in construction.

We take all aspects of safety seriously, but we are definitely aware that fall protection is a vital area all construction workers need to have a keen awareness. Climbing ladders and working at various heights is essential to our industry specifically. So, I am pleased to have OSHA heighten this awareness across all trades of construction.

We will continue to heavily educate, promote, and implement fall protection in our formal and hands-on safety training, daily hazard analysis’, weekly tool box talks, and upper management meetings. Additionally, we will continue to conduct our safety audits in order to ensure complete understanding of all crew members with regards to the importance of fall protection.

Our unannounced safety audits allow us to monitor crew performance and any fall protection violation is reported directly to our President. Together, we review each and every one to ensure proper discipline and retraining is conducted.

We willingly and happily join forces with OSHA and all participating contractors during these next weeks to conduct specific fall protection tool box talks, perform additional safety inspections of our fall protection personal protective equipment, review job site fall rescue plans, and discuss fall protection hazard analysis. Our priority is safety!

-Tony Dover
Director of Quality & Safety
North American Roofing

Posted on by North American Roofing
Know Safety, No Falls – Stand Down for Safety to Prevent Falls in Construction

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