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North American Roofing Does Sales Training Different

 Excitement was certainly in the air as North American Roofing’s national sales force gathered for a few days of intense training at our corporate office in Asheville, NC. Our goal was to ensure everyone on our team is fully prepared to meet the highest standards of our growing customer base. Gathering the sales team in one place allowed an invaluable opportunity for our sales people to share personal insights with each other.

When most businesses arrange for sales training it can be jarring to the sales cycle- not this training session! After some inspiring guest lecturers we put our sales team to the test in a heads up challenge. Our inside sales team joined forces with members from our outside sales people to find out who was the business development champion. Who came out on top? Our customers did of course. After all, the idea behind the competition was to explore ways that we can be more helpful and accommodating than ever.

The dust finally settled and we sent our sales people back home with a renewed sense of vigor towards serving the businesses in their markets. North American Roofing is dedicated to continuous learning from each other, industry professionals, and the clients we serve.

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North American Roofing Does Sales Training Different

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