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Pre-Winter Roof Inspections Can Reduce Utility Costs

There’s still time to reduce your seasonal utility costs before Old Man Winter sets in for good. Many parts of the country won’t succumb to the Big Chill until January or even February, but waiting that long to have your roof inspected is a gamble. Energy costs are at an all-time high, and if your facility’s roof isn’t up-to-par, you could be paying much more to heat your building than you should be.

Why Have an Inspection Now?

During this busy time of the year, it’s easy to become preoccupied with the holidays and end-of-year business activities. Unfortunately, if you don’t address relatively minor building envelope issues now, winter’s relentless freeze/thaw cycles could create bigger, more costly problems. During a standard inspection, a skilled roofing professional will examine the roof system and all roof components, including parapets, skylights, rooftop units, copings and seams. This is the time to make simple repairs and perform necessary maintenance to get your facility through the winter safely.

Keeping Moisture at Bay

Roofs and water don’t mix. When your roofing system is working the way it should, water drains harmlessly away but a loose seams, deteriorated sealant, a puncture or corroded flashing can allow water to seep in. Moisture compromises a roof’s insulation layer, rendering it ineffective, which contributes to skyrocketing utility costs. Over the winter, moisture that enters a small leak can freeze and expand, increasing the size of the leak, leading to moisture entrapment and damaging the roof structure beneath. Left unchecked, this contributes to mold growth, premature deterioration of the roof system and potential damage to the facility’s contents.

Never Miss Seasonal Roof Inspections

The best practice is to have your facility’s roof inspections twice per year, once before winter’s blast, and again before the heat of summer. Even the strongest roofs can fall prey to airborne debris, drainage issues, damage from foot traffic or incorrect installation or shifting of rooftop units. Unless you’re trained to spot potential roof problems, you’ll miss them, setting yourself up for damage that could have been prevented. For facility managers committed to protecting their buildings, North American Roofing suggest RoofGuard, a premium roof inspection program that offers seasonal inspections and provides detailed reports that allow you to track the health of your roof.

It’s Not Too Late

Before ringing in the New Year, give North American Roofing a call. We’ll inspect your facility’s weather-resistant envelope and help you take the correct steps to protect it during this cold season and for years to come. Your roof’s thermal efficiency is directly related to the amount of climate-control energy you consume. By making the call today, you’ll not only save on winter energy costs, you’ll reduce the demand on your heating units as well.

Protect your roof – call North American Roofing today at 800-551-5602. You’ll be glad you did.

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Pre-Winter Roof Inspections Can Reduce Utility Costs

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