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Executive Insight – The Power Of Giving


Did you know that there is a tremendous power that comes with the act of giving?   Performing a completely selfless act where you simply give from your heart, can not only benefit the receiver but also the giver. This act of giving is not necessarily tied to any special event, holiday or celebration – it is merely a time when you give from the heart because you want to share what you have, show your gratefulness and give back because you truly care.  You don’t give so that you get something in return.  You give simply for the sake of giving and in return you enjoy the process of seeing someone smile and someone appreciate your kind words and help.

As a nationwide company, we take the power of giving very seriously.  We believe that it is our responsibility to regularly give back to the communities and neighborhoods we work and play in.  Our belief in this is so strong, last month, we implemented a new company-wide policy, allowing our staff to be paid up to 4 hours a month for any charity work they participate in.  No matter what the cause,  we hold ourselves and our staff accountable to giving back and paying it forward.

This week we will be supporting the ABCCM Christmas Angel Program, a local Asheville charity providing Christmas for families in crisis.  Our entire Asheville crew will get together on December 10th to shop, wrap and deliver presents and fellowship with these families.  While this season reminds us all about the importance of giving back – to your community, to your neighbor, and especially to those less fortunate, we encourage you all to make a commitment to give back more this coming year.  It doesn’t have to be money, it can be of your time, your advice, or your energy.  But it does have to be from the heart.   If we all make this commitment, can you imagine what kind of world we would be living in?

– Kelly Wade, COO

Posted on by North American Roofing
Executive Insight – The Power Of Giving

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