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Common Roof Problems: High Wind Damage

While many building owners and facility managers understand the hazards of storm, hail and tornado/hurricane damage, few realize that high winds, alone, can lead to major roof repairs or even replacement.

Wind gusts of 75 to 85 miles have been found to damage roofing systems or even lift them from the decking, especially if the membrane is aging or improperly installed. Unfortunately, loose membranes and roof edge metal can expose your facility’s roof to costly water damage if not repaired before the next storm comes along.

How do high winds lead to roof damage?

It is typically changing wind speeds and direction that causes membranes to flutter and pull away from decking. When this occurs, dirt, leaves, branches and other debris blow underneath the membrane and speeds deterioration of your roofing underlay even further. Between the underlay damage and the membrane damage, you may need to replace large portions of your roof.

How do I know if the wind has damaged my roof?

The best way to asses the condition of your roof after any type of storm is to hire a professional roofing contractor to perform a thorough roof inspection. Qualified roofing experts will asses your facility’s wind damage, determine the condition of your roofing system and check your gutters and roof edges to ensure their integrity.

However, before calling a roofer, walk around your facility’s interior and exterior to look for the effects of wind damage. If you notice any of the following problems with your building or roof, let a roofing professional know immediately.

  • Busted or cracked skylights
  • Visible gutter, downspout or roof edge metal damage
  • Dents or damage to exterior HVAC units
  • Down trees or limbs near your roof
  • Water stains on ceiling
Posted on by North American Roofing
Common Roof Problems: High Wind Damage

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