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Snow Removal before Roof Collapse

Get prepared for winter now – plan for your snow removal.

A fresh, lofty snow can add 20 lbs. of weight per cubic foot, but wet snow, or partially thawed and refrozen snow, can add as much 60 lbs. per cubic foot of weight.  If you live in a northern climate, your roof was probably designed to bear some additional snow load, but the best practice is to have heavy snows promptly removed.  For businesses in
warmer climates, facilities can be more susceptible as they are not designed for winter weather and heavy snow climates.  Not to mention, their personnel may not be accustomed to working in those conditions.  To prevent damage to the roof and reduce the risk of injury to worker, snow removal is best left to the pros.

To help you plan and prepare to minimize the risk of roof damage from snow loading, please review the following checklist:

  • Inspect the roof structure for damage and deterioration.  Having a professional fall inspection ensures that repairs are completed prior to any snow or ice accumulation.
  • Remove any debris from roof drains and downspouts.  Clogged drains can cause water pooling from snow melts and can cause leaks within your building.
  • Determine the maximum safe snow depth for the roof based on its load capacity.  North American Roofing can help with determining this with their Priority Snow Removal Program.
  • Develop a plan to identify who is responsible for snow/ice removal and ensure they are trained on appropriate snow removal techniques and equipment.

At North American Roofing, we can help you prepare a proactive plan that will cover your winter storm needs with our Priority Snow Removal Program.  Our highly trained crews are experienced in removing snow in accordance with OSHA safety regulations and are available in every state.

If you haven’t scheduled your pre-winter inspection yet – make the call today. Our professional roofing teams will make sure your facility roof is prepared for anything Mother Nature throws at you.

Call us today at (800) 551-5602.

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Snow Removal before Roof Collapse

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