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We’re Re-Roofing our Way to a Cleaner Planet

It’s always been our goal at North American Roofing to provide our customers with the best roofing products and services available, and we’re proud that our roofs last so long. We also pride ourselves on our track record of listening to our customers’ needs and working together to come up with solutions that benefit all of us.

In the spirit of partnership, we’re excited to introduce our Waste Recycling Program. Our goal is to divert single-ply re-roofing and insulation debris from overcrowded landfills to recycling centers where it will be recycled and used to produce hundreds of new commercial and consumer products. We expect to recycle up to 16 million sq. ft. of insulation and more than 5 million lbs. of post-commercial roofing membrane in 2012 alone.

When you team up with us, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that what’s good for your roof is good for the environment. Starting this year, we’re launching a massive reclamation initiative that will divert many types of re-roofing debris to recycling centers.

Did You Know?

  • Tearing off a typical 50,000 sq. ft. roof that consists of single-ply membrane and 2.5-inch foam generates approximately 12,000 cubic feet of non-biodegradable waste. In a landfill, that produces 390 lbs. of carbon dioxide, and that’s just the debris from a single roof!
  • Many types of thermoplastic roofing materials are recyclable, including EPDM, PVC and TPO membranes. Extruded Polystyrene insulation and beadboard, in addition to composite foam insulation and poly isocyanurate foam insulation are also recyclable.
  • Overloading our landfills with non-biodegradable waste can lead to chemical leaching, contamination of vital water supplies and can contribute to the pollution of surrounding environments.
  • By diverting re-roofing waste to recycling centers, we’re not only reducing environmental degradation, we’re conserving valuable energy resources that go into the manufacture of new products. Your old roof will have a new life in the form of new roofing membrane, athletic fields, picture frames, shipping materials, walking pads and potentially hundreds of other items.

How Our Program Works

When you’re ready for a new roof, we’ll send out a representative to inspect the old roof, and if the materials are recyclable, we’ll let you know. Most of the time, we’ll be able to remove the old roofing materials and send them on their way to the recycling center at no additional cost to you.

During the re-roofing project, we’ll separate the recyclable membranes and foam materials from the non-recyclable debris. We’ll track the recyclable material from the time it leaves the job site until it arrives at the recycling center, and we’ll let you know how much re-roofing waste we saved from the landfill.

Benefits to You – Our Customer

You are an important part of protecting our environment for future generations. While we strive to give you a long-lasting roof through quality installation and preventative maintenance, it’s reassuring to know that once your roof reaches the end of its usefulness, it can be recycled and reused.

By diverting re-roofing materials from the waste stream, we’re making it possible for you to reach your sustainability goals in a way that diminishes the impact on the environment. Our program meets and exceeds most government regulations.

Rest assured that not only will you get a new high quality roof for your building; you’ll be taking part in our ongoing commitment to respect our environment and protect our resources.

We’re committed To:
• Reclaiming
• Recycling
• Replacing
• Responsibility

At North American Roofing, that’s what we’re all about.

Posted on by North American Roofing
We’re Re-Roofing our Way to a Cleaner Planet

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