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 USS Alabama

The USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park serves as a solemn and stately reminder of the sacrifices made by veterans in Alabama. Visiting this memorial is a unique and humbling experience. Tourists get to explore the park and walk around the World War II battleship that was once part of the United States Navy. So, if you want to honor the heroes who served on USS Alabama, this is the place for you!

The USS Alabama has several attractions to keep you busy and entertained. Take a guided tour to explore the historic battleship and its various decks, guns, and gun turrets. You’ll also get to visit a remnant of the USS Drum, which was sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor. To learn more about Alabama’s rich military history, check out the museum exhibits that detail different parts of history from both World War I and World War II.

The tanks and artillery tour takes guests outside the ship, allowing them to glimpse the various types of military equipment used by the Alabama during its lifetime. Here, you’ll also get to explore the submarine USS Cod, decommissioned in 1945 and now a popular tourist attraction. If you’re feeling adventurous, try out the park’s virtual reality simulator and feel like you are right there on the USS Alabama!

The park has many fun activities for kids, including a playground and splash pad. It’s a great opportunity for families to spend quality time together while paying tribute to those who served our country. After exploring all the attractions, take some time to relax in the gift shop or grab a bite to eat at a nearby restaurant.

The USS Alabama Battleship Memorial Park is a place of honor and remembrance and a great spot to learn about the state’s military history. Come pay your respects, explore the battleship and its attractions, and maybe even take home some souvenirs from the gift shop! The memories made here will last you a lifetime.

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 USS Alabama

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