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Mobile Museum of Art

If you like exploring and discovering new art, you must visit the Mobile Museum of Art. Located in the heart of Mobile, Alabama, this museum offers a variety of art exhibitions and events that will keep you entertained for hours. From classic paintings and sculptures to contemporary works and multimedia installations, the Mobile Museum of Art has something for everyone.

The Mobile Museum of Art (MMofA) holds an impressive collection of over 6,400 pieces of art from varying continents such as American, Asian and European. Not just limited to classical antiquity but also spans up until the present day! MMofA is a product of a remarkable public/private partnership between city officials and community members. The city runs the building itself, while its diverse artwork has been gifted privately under this innovative agreement.

Established in 1964, the Mobile Museum of Art (MMofA), born out of the collaborative efforts of The Board of Commissioners from Mobile and two arts organizations–the Allied Arts Council and the Mobile Arts Association–has rapidly developed into southern Alabama’s only accredited art museum. With educational programs, workshops, and tours all year round, the MMofA offers a stimulating environment to explore the works of many talented artists.

This Museum is an important part of Mobile’s cultural heritage and is truly unique in its approach to art appreciation. Take advantage of this spectacular opportunity to see some amazing pieces on display and learn more about their cultural and historical importance! The Mobile Museum of Art is conveniently located close to the Mobile Civic Center and invites visitors to explore its collection, take a tour, or participate in the many events it hosts throughout the year.

Whether you are an art enthusiast or just looking for something fun on the weekend, the Mobile Museum of Art is a must-see destination. With such a wide variety of artistic pieces, it will satisfy any curious mind and inspire creativity! Stop by and let your imagination run wild as you explore the amazing collections inside.

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Mobile Museum of Art

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