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Executive Insight – Cultivating a Spirit of Gratitude


I think it is safe to say that most people like feeling appreciated.  Employees who feel valued in their workplace will often perform to their maximum and will feel a sense of pride and loyalty to the job they do.  And obviously these are qualities that any employer would want to foster, right?  So why is it that so many times, good people leave? Often, it’s a lack of gratitude.  How easy it is to underestimate the power of a simple pat on the back or a heartfelt thank you or “Good Job!”  Simple and sincere appreciation is the most effective form of positive reinforcement, and it’s FREE.

At North American Roofing, our executive team is committed to showing our gratitude daily.  Because our workforce is our single greatest asset, we believe in the importance of recognizing and rewarding our employees.  Whether through a monetary incentive or a simple compliment, we think of gratitude as an emotional investment in our workforce that motivates and encourages our employees to do better work.

As a testament to this company culture philosophy, this past week our staff came together for the StarWish Foundation to adopt 10 families with the ABCCM’s Christmas Angel Program.  While this was an exceptional opportunity for our company to give back to our community, it also afforded us a time to show our gratitude to our NARSI team.   We were able to acknowledge how amazing, hardworking and caring our employees are. We spent time giving back but we spent time as a family – enjoying each other’s company, exchanging gifts and eating lots of cookies.

By being able to freely appreciate the people that make our company run, we open ourselves up for even greater success.   Stephen R. Covey said “Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being is to be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated.”  This statement is a good reminder that in order for us to keep the best people, we need to appreciate their talents and treat them accordingly.

-Brian Verble, CEO

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Executive Insight – Cultivating a Spirit of Gratitude

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